On Street Parking
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Changes to Parking Controls
To have any parking controls changed on your street, contact 311 to submit a parking concern service request. Alternatively, a detailed written request with complete contact information can be forwarded to the Transportation Planning Division at 1266 McDougall Street either by mail or fax. A petition will then be prepared with the addresses within the section(s) of street affected by the requested change. At least 60 percent of signatures in favour are required for council consideration (95% in areas that are eligible for residential on-street permit parking). If approved by council, corresponding signage will be installed at the location. Modifications to parking deemed necessary by the Executive Director of Operations to provide safe access do not require minimum support.
To have parking controls changed within a Business Improvement Area (BIA), a detailed written request with complete contact information should be forwarded to the appropriate BIA office. Upon their review, they will forward the request to the Transportation Planning Division at 1266 McDougall Street.
Residential On-Street Permit Parking
Under the current council resolution regarding the On-Street Residential Permit Parking Policy, these areas have been defined as/restricted to areas adjacent to the University of Windsor, St. Clair College and within the Central Business District. (CR1442/94, as amended Dec. 18, 1995 CR1377/95 and May 06, 2013 CR93/2013)
Beyond restricting the areas eligible for on-street residential permit parking in the current Residential Permit Parking Policy, Council further acknowledged the need for increased community support (95% required) due to the associated restrictions, not the least of which are annual permit renewals, fees and quantity limitations (two permits per address).
Residential permit parking is established on a neighbourhood basis as opposed to a street-by-street approach to avoid moving a parking concern to the neighbouring street.
General information regarding residential permit parking is available on the City Website.
Traffic Operations Division
1266 McDougall Street
Windsor, Ontario
N8X 3M7
Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call (519) 255-6248.
Email: 311@citywindsor.ca
Email: 311@citywindsor.ca